Guardian's water-based sunscreen vs Biore UV perfect protect milk

Guardian's water-based sunscreen vs Biore UV perfect protect milk
date: 8/11/2017

Assalamualaikum, hello and hai to all.

 Just some introductory (dont know if spelling is right), this is my first time i write for my blog. very new right to this time i wrote this, but anyhow i just want to share with other people about my struggle to find the best sunscreen for my skin.

 i first start use sunscreen because of youtube influence; with all the vlog out there especially the korean one, that always list out the importance of this thing. saying that it actually can make your skin brighter, poreless, no dark spot and so on.
and yes, i actually can see the difference.

right to the main topic, i start off by using biore product. its very light, non-sticky. and i like the texture, the smell too but, it just not sit well with my face. once i apply it to my face, not long after(5-6 hours after), mr pimple pop out. saying hai to me. in a place where i have never ever get pimples. it was shock. but i did not stop, thinking that it must caused by something else(i thoroughly wash my face and cleanse double with micellar water; so this is not because i dont wash my face), so i continue use it. but to no avail, same thing happen.

so, thats it. no more using that, and my face came back normal (no new pimples so far).
still, i tying to look for new sunscreen, and then saw guardian sunscreen. i start use it.
i guest the product work well with me. no new pimples, no sticky face. and i like how it make my face look glowing i think. so, i just stick with this sunscreen well because it is affordable and it does did it job. so yeah, good for me.
both product you can buy in guardian store. or their online website.
link to guardian online website: here

so, i put the picture for you guys to see. hope it help you in finding yours.
(the biore image is not mine, i just take it from mr google, so if i mistakenly take someone picture, let me know and i'll delete it)

*update as of 6/10/2018. ---- I try the biore product the blue one, the kind of water based sunscreen and nope. I doesn't work for me as well. pimple appeared on my face faster than I though it will. and till now, I still use guardian sunscreen. it works well with me. really really well.
fyi, you can use the same guardian but for the body on your face, it works well too.
