Tricks to help you study better and wiser, not just harder. Easy ways to study. Learn this before you start your notes.


Hai, Augie here.

 This is a simple tricks how i used to study back in my uni life. This was how i score on subjects that need a lot of notes remembering. Hopes it will help you. 

  1. Study in short intervals and take breaks in between. For example, when you studying for 30 minutes, take breaks after for 5 minutes. Go scroll your phone, eat some snacks or just lazying for a moments. And after that little breaks, go back to study and repeat.
  2. When studying, takes notes, record it then listens to it. You gets stimulus all around. Generating your own materials will encode informations to yourself better and you’ll remember it.
  3. Also make sure you study with a organize table, neat area, to help you stay focus and sharp.
  4. Wrote down how many hours you have study so that you can see clearly how many study you can possibly do more .
  5. Do some quiz after notes taking. You can use technique that can make you remember the information like visual image(memory image). You’ll likely remember it better.
  6. If not clear on your topic, teach others peoples. Explain to them back, and if you cant explain easily that means you need to study a little more on that topics. Help each other remember, learn this topic.
  7. Organize information into small group that you can connect to yourself. This is a trick to get brain to create connections and remember it, as it will be a meaningful information as well as a good connections to remember.
  8. The last things after that, is that you should make sure you do not do other things not related to study. No phones no movies. So that your brain is still processing your notes and what you have done while you still sleep and thus improve the recall process.
I hope this post can benefit someone. Please subsribe, share and comments. Thank you. Let us meet again in another post. 
Till next time, bye.
