Review on Nivea Q10 Power. Anti-wrinkle + Firming (Night Cream)

 Hai, its Augie here!

This is a review post about Nivea Cream for wrinkle  free face. Well basicallt as its name suggests. This is a product form Nivea brand, mostly you can find it either in Watsons, Guardian or selected pharmacy in Malaysia. How do it works? -Pretty good for me actually.

I don’t actually use it for my face. I use it basically as my eyes cream. It’s work wonderfully. No more black eyes, dark wrinkles puffy eyes. Fushhh gone. I especially put it every night on religiously and generously. I don’t put it on my whole face ecause its textire kind of thick and oily. I put it under my eyes and my forehead. Those place. Trust me it did it just fantastically.

How you should use it? Use your forefinger, put in underside of your eyes and massages for a minutes or two. Let it be for a while, and then when you’re go for sleep, put a bit thicker one under your eyes. Wake-up tomorrow with cute eyes.

The price is affordable, it last me 3 months now. Pretty useful things. Its smells like a babypowder. Smell quite nice, white creamy cream.

No more puffy eyes, underbag eyes, dark circles. all gone. Especially fot those who stay up late, put it on dude. No lies here, while i’m typing this out, i use it right this moments. Hahahah.

