Quotes in December 2021 Bullet Journal -because where else can i vent it all out? no place have been good at keeping secrets.

 Hai, Augie here! 

This post is about my share of quotes i wrote down in my bullet journal; bujo for short.

I had a fair share of quotes i wrote down that either related to my life, my experience, for my motivations and those that i particularly like. But a dislaimer here, i own none of it. So, i would like to share some of them. Who knows those whose stumble upon this blog could make good use of them. And that’s will make me feels  happy. I’ll  put it with point form.

* I am sure there is magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us.

*You don’t have to understand things for them to be

*If fate doesn’t make you laugh, then you just don’t get the joke

*There are still monsters in the back of my mind, and there probably always will be, but they’re getting quieter now

* I am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and i thoughts people would see it because ‘romantic doesn’t mean sugary’. It’s dark and tormented-the furor of passion , the despair of an idealism that you can’t attain

*You would have to be half mad to dream me up.

*Perhaps they were right putting love into books. Perhaps it could not love anywhere else

*You’re so self-aware, you have become completely out of touch

*Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing i know

*”And what is beauty?” “ Terror” . “Well said.” said julian “Beauty is rarely soft or consolatory. Quite the contrary. Genuine beauty is always quite alarming”

*The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind happiness is better.

*The universe listens. Not just to your words, but to your thoughts and desires also.

*He sits in silence and his eyes are definitely not the man i know. They’re wistful, lonely and so beautiful i have to close mine.

*idk what it is about pride and prejudice that’s so appealing. Maybe it’s  the fantasy of telling a man he’s self centered and arrogant and he believes it and changes for the better

*Perhaps the moon is a frozen tear

*Who are you to judge the life i live? I know i’m not perfect and i don’t live to be. but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.

*I want to be a mystery, yet be known. I want to be together, yet alone is it too much to ask, to be famous yet unknown? To be a wanderer, yet have a home?

*Be proud of how hard you’re working to get to where you want to be. After all we are never a finished piece.

*Its the kind of memory i like best - more of a feeling than an actual remembrance. The hum of a memory, blurry around the edges, soft and nothing particularly special, all kind of blending into one moment

*My darling, you hold so much sadness in your eyes, i can almost touch the scars of your soul and cry

*I loved you, as icarus loved the sun. Too close, too much

*Everyone always wants to know how you can tell when it’s true love, and the answer is this; when the pain doesn’t fade and the scars don’t heal, and it’s too damned late

*when Oscar Wilde said “ There seemed to be something tragic in a friendship so coloured by romance

*she did not want to move or speak. She wanted to rest, to learn, to dream, she felt very tired

*I crave touch, yet i flinch every time someone is close enough - I have become rather fearful i suppose

*For a while i was love wasn’t it? For me it was love

*You write so beautifully… the inside of your mind must be a terrible place

*And what kind of madness is it anyway, to be in love with something constitutionally incapable of loving you back?

*I want someone to hand me dark chocolate, wrapped up in a paper with a self written poem on it

*It’s so hard to forget pain, but it’s even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show from happiness. We learn to live from peace

* Is that all you want to be? Liked? Wouldn’t you rather be passionately and voraciously desired?

***********and if you just read hard enough, observes just a little bit. You can see my thoughts, my life views. And maybe, just maybe you’ll understand all of this.
