5 things you should keep in mind before college/university

 Hai, Augie here!

Today i would like to share about the things that students need to prepare mentally before going to the university or their preferred college. Just a few advices from myself that i hope i know before i go to college/uni.

1) You will be in a state of cultured shock. Just a matter of too big or a little shock.

Why do i said this? Because i have been here. I came from a family background that are a little bit conservative, i was not that open to a lot of culture outside from my state. Thus, coming out of state furthering my studies shock me a bit too much. I read a lot, so i know how to expect but no offense to people of there; they are crazy.

Some students have no problems staying out late, returning home at 4 in the morning, not particularly clubbing, just going outside. ‘enjoying’. That is where i was like , damn they easily swayed just after moving out to college. At this rate, you must know whats your purpose. Why you come to college? Don’t get easily influenced by others people. I have seen this case leads out to worse scene. Not good i tell you.

2) Find your circle carefully

A good circle will grant you a lot of opportunities. If you know how to net working. But also be sure to have a friendship circle for study session and schools projects. In uni or college which focus more on hand task rather than theories, make sure your work buddies that will do assignments s group is responsible enough for their part. Because you share the same marks no matter if they did their job or not. I once curse out someone because the poor part they submit and hence affected my marks.

3) Invest in social experience 

What i means in this part is that, make sure to contribute or joins activities that you can proudly wrote down on your resume. This would helps in long run when you need to applied for job positions after college. Works part time, have basic skills related to fields. You can boast this on your resume and your resume wouldn’t look boring.

4) Plan out your path from semester to semester

This is best did with a journal or note with a diagram or structural graphs. Within semester, plan out your goals. Did you achieved it or not, your solutions on it, the backup plan you need and how you can execute them. And also be mindful to know when you need helps and when you need opinions and knowledge from someone experienced than you. Ask for your seniors note on particular subject with same professors. Take their notes, improved on it. And if you still need more, consult your mentors that been assigned to you from the first time you enroll. Use every means to get works done. 

5) Plan your finance

This is the crucial parts, especially for students with loans. I, myself under the sponsorship of private organisations, was given a allowance every month. Now, plan how you use the money. I save 50% of it for saving, another for utilities, rent and foods. I didnt need to think about paying the tuitions fee because it been paid straight out, all i need to do is how to plan my budget from those allowance given to me. The money i saved from this got me around six thousands. 

All of this are important especially for the freshies going to uni/college. It was something that i didn’t get to prepared and i learned it the hard way. But, even if you in the middle of your studies, it never late to figure this out. You can still save your college life.

Really hope that this can benefits someone else out there. Lots of love. Enjoy college life. Because this moments won’t came again. You will never be this young again. 

Warmest hugs, Augie.
