Internship at Local Government, Tumpat District Council (Latihan Praktikal di Majlis Daerah Tumpat)

Internship at Local Government Tumpat District Council (Latihan Praktikal di Majlis Daerah Tumpat)


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

During my last semester at campus, as a students we were busy finding places to do our intern. It was a bit clumsy for some of us, because there is limited time allocated to search for available intern place that fits our programme course.

As for me, I prefer doing the internship at my hometown. This decision were only made after a lot of thinking, a lot of pros and cons. Besides, it has been my intentions to serve my people. (What should be consider when finding an intern places)


For this post, I will share with you guys, on how my intern felts like and all the things that I did.


My programme course was Environmental Health (Kesihatan Persekitaran) and for that I was placed in the Licensing, Public Health and Sanitation Unit under the supervision of Environmental Health Officer (Inspektor Kesihatan).


For my first day, I need to report to HR at 8.00am sharp. The HR are located at the second floor. There were a brief meeting with the HR management before I was assingned to my unit. I met with my supervisor, and he give me a little briefing and one things that I didn’t expect is that, he stay in the same town as me. My God!

And one of the first things he said to me is, ‘I know you’, do you know me?’. Of course I don’t know him. Seriously.

Thar one phrase made me confused a lot. Who is this guys? Who the parents?

Turns out he live a just a few house after mine.

So, to those who wants to do intern in your own town, bear in mind that you might meet your neighbor.

Back to the story,

In the new office, I had a greet and meet meeting with the staff. My first few hours at the office were boring. I literally had nothing to do. The other staff were too busy since they will had a big meeting in a few days and need to prepare for it.


But, a little later, we start to get to known each other. Just a little chatting here and there while they prepare for the materials.

After a while, my supervisor asked one of the office to take the intern students to an inspection. (there are another students from another University in the office). Back from the inspection I help to organized file and stuff.


So, my first day was doing odd tasks and go for inspection. Pretty good for a first day though.


*WILL be continued

P/s: I am still doing my intern when I wrote this post


  1. Hi Dear! may i know how u apply an internship with local government tumpat distinct council? And do they provide allowance?

  2. Apply macam mana yeee


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