Just a random assignment i did. Thought i post it out here.

I forgot which subject this was. Well, nevermind. I’ll update after this.

Project Activities
Potential Impacts
Proposed Mitigating Measures
Clearing of land
(land reclamation)
1. Surface water run-off into nearby river, caused water to become shallow.
2. Blockage of river caused potential flash-flood
a) Proper drainage system and ponds to trap sediment
b) Construct agricultural area in a safe distance from nearby rivers (buffer zone)
Fertilisers (phosphate, ammonia, nitrate)
1. Eutrophication (excessive nutrient into nearby river)
2. Increase temperature and capacity to dissolve oxygen decreased.
a) Avoid using fertilizers when there is a predicted heavy rainfall events.
Pesticides/Herbicides (atrazine-used to control weeds growth)
1. Pesticides can enter groundwater bodies, and contaminate it.
a) Use ponds to trap sediment from nitrate
b) Use non-chemical alternatives (manure)
Harvesting activities

1. Surface run-off, top soil to wash away and settle at the bottom of river (shallow river, water flow with mud)
a) Must well-planned the activity to avoid the clearance land being left bare in a long term period
Post- Construction
Use of plastic mulch in agriculture to cover soil
1. Increased amount of waste from the plastic much into the river
a) Install waste bin or reuse the plastic mulch.
