How To Make Your Study Time In Uni/College Effective | Five Tips To Maximize Study Time While In Uni/College|

How To Have An Effective Study Time In Uni Or College

How to Maximize Study Time In College or University. Five Effective Study Tips

Being a Uni students myself, it was very hard to find enough time in the days for lot of things like school works, friends, part time jobs, families and studying. I bet almost every students felt like that, because I do! Anyhow, here I will share with you guys a few awesome techniques and tips how you can make your study time more effective and use it to the fullest.

 1. Wake up earlier in the morning.

One things for sure, waking up earlier let you be ahead than everyone else. Foe me myself, I rent a flat with my friends, and when I got up the earliest among them, I have the opportunity to use all shared appliances in the house for myself first. Meaning that I do not need to wait for other for my turns. Not to mention that I also have a bit of time to go through my notes or lecture notes. Let me tell you, my lecturers often upload lectures notes for that day, like 1 hour or 30 minutes before class started. So, waking up earlier let me print the notes just in the nick of time, while others classmates still lost somewhere…
* I often set my alarm like 5 set.  1st like in 4.30, then 4.45, then 5.00 and moving on. That’s how I manage to get up, because my body already wake up a bit with every alarm rings.

2. Create a voice notes or any audio notes

My ways of studying is I like to record my voice going through every lecture notes. So, when I tried to memorize the notes, I have a hardcopy in my hands, I listen to the same notes, and I read at the same time. So, here I got like visual, audio stimulus. This helps me a lot while trying to memorize medical names or scientific names.

3. Save your notes on phone/online.

I have like 3 online cloud systems that I linked between my phones and laptop. One I use is dropbox, one drive, sync, google drive and sometimes I upload into my own emails (I use gmails). So, there you go… There is no ways I lost my notes ever again. This was very helpful when I was on commuter or on bus, doing nothing or when I need to study quickly.

4. This is the hard one : Say “ No” if you know you need to study.

Seriously, this might be the hardest one because its temptation ,but its the most important and crucial. I did not mean for you to cut all the fun, but make a time for studying. We practically going to college and uni to studying. Which means study came first and after is your fun. Just like me, I have a hard time saying yes to my friends when they asks me to go to mall, or places. But, when I really have things much more important, assingments to do I will really refuse and stood my ground. You only need one time of being serious and determined to saying ‘no’ and the next time, you saying a no, will not be as hardest as the first, and it your friends will take your answers without further pressure you. Trust me, I have been doing it like a lot of time now.

5. Try multitasking

Not everyone can do two things at one time, but we can slowly learn. For me, I usually multitask when I go to my part time and I study a bit there. My workplace is a bit lenient. My bosses know that I’m a uni student’s, and even when I’m not actually asking, they said I can study when there is no customers or when I have done all my jobs for that day. That’s is truly blessing for me. So, if you also have a part time job, try slow talk with your boss if you could study in the free time and explain your situation in a wise ways possible

We now reach the end. But I hope, you can get something helpful from this. Hope that these five ways to study and effectively maximize your study time.

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