Eight Amazing Water Remedies for Beauty Skin And Healthy Body |Types of water and Its Benefits|

Eight Water Infuse Remedies That Can Be a Great Help For Your Body.

Have you ever put somethings in your water other than sugar? Well I do!
I like to experiments with lots of ingredients like ginger with green tea, dates, lemon with cucumber and many more. But, before doing any experiments, i do read some info on internet, as to not harm my body in any way (to ensure mixing two different ingredients are not going to cause me any allergy).

Healthy skin, weight loss, shiny hair, promote digestion
Photo by Dose Juice on Unsplash

Here, i will share eight common water infused ingredients that you can easily find it around yourself. It's easy and it will benefits you in some ways it do me. You might experienced clearer skin, healthy hair, weight loss, improve complexion and fight acne. With no further ado...

1. Rice Water

 Glowing skin, healthy hair, shrink pores, and energy drink.

2. Lemon Water

Flat belly, boost immune system, detox, blemish-free skin and healthy digestion.

Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash

3.Fennel Water

Relieves menstrual problems, digestive problems, weight loss and healthy skin.

4.Ginger Water

Relieve menstrual cramps, headache, bloating, cold and indigestion.

5. Mint Water

Detox, freshen breath, fight acne, promote digestion and improve complexion

6. Rose Water

Shiny hair, lighten scar, tighten pores, soothe eyes, purify skin, prevent breakouts.

7. Cucumber Water

Healthy skin, ease nausea, keeps you hydrated, and remove dark circles.

Photo by Yomex Owo on Unsplash

8. Honey Water

Cure acne, reduce bloating, flush out toxins, sore throat remedy, promote weight loss.

This are the benefits of having infused water in your routine. And as for me it did help losing my belly fat. Hope this will help whoever you are. Please comment and share the post.

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