Notes on Waterbone diseases, assuming it will be in final exam



Assalamualaikum and hai to all. this was my note on topic waterborne diseases, where i got my sources from mostly wikipedia. yep!! feel free to copy...

    p.s :thank you wikipedia fo your help through out my semester. appreciate it

Waterborne disease cause more than 2 million deaths and 4 billion cases of diarrhea annually. • 9 out of 10 deaths are in children and virtually all of the deaths areWater-borne Diseases Diseases caused by ingestion of water contaminated by human or animal faeces or urine , which contain pathogenic microorganisms
ü  Many bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites can cause disease when ingested. • The majority of these pathogens derive from human or animal faeces, and are transmitted through the faecal-oral route. • Although both animal and human faeces are threats to human health, human faeces are generally the most dangerous. • Faecal pathogens can be classified as causing both water- borne and water-washed diseases.
ü  in developing countries
ü Waterborne diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, biotoxins, and toxic contaminants, which lead to devastating illnesses
ü Outbreaks of waterborne diseases often occur after a severe precipitation event (rainfall, snowfall). Because climate change increases the severity and frequency of some major precipitation events, communities—especially in the developing world—could be faced with elevated disease burden from waterborne diseases.

Sources of pathogen/ microorganism

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Disease and transmsision

Microbial agent

Sources of agent in water supply

General symptoms
Bacteria can enter an open wound from contaminated water sources. Can enter the gastrointestinal tract through consumption of contaminated drinking water or (more commonly) food
Dry mouth, blurred and/or double vision, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, slurred speech, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. Death is usually caused by respiratory failure.
Spread by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae
Drinking water contaminated with the bacterium
In severe forms it is known to be one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known. Symptoms include very watery diarrhea, nauseacrampsnosebleed, rapid pulse, vomiting, and hypovolemic shock (in severe cases), at which point death can occur in 12–18 hours.
Caused by bacterium of genus Leptospira
Water contaminated by the animal urine carrying the bacteria
Begins with flu-like symptoms then resolves. The second phase then occurs involving meningitisliver damage (causes jaundice), and renal failure

Salmonella typhi

Ingestion of water contaminated with feces of an infected person
Characterized by sustained fever up to 40 °C (104 °F), profuse sweating; diarrhea may occur. Symptoms progress to delirium, and the spleen and liver enlarge if untreated. In this case it can last up to four weeks and cause death. Some people with typhoid fever develop a rash called "rose spots", small red spots on the abdomen and chest.

 the end.....
