My weekdays schedule (part time jobs + classes as a full time students)


Hai, assalamualaikum…

just wanna say, I wrote this post when I was working my part time job. I was at the shop, where I work part time during weekdays and currently i'm doing nothing. Its got kind of boring, soo unproductive so I just started scribbling on paper. So I think why not write something for the blog?
FYI (for your information), i'm a part timer at a printing shop. The kind of shop where students go print their assingments, photocopies and all things related with paper, media arts and creative. It has more than just printing, it's have its own brand for wedding gifts, wedding invitation cards, and things related. I don't know what i'm trying to say.
so, when i'm bored out of my mind, I kind of find ideas/searching for ideas on pinterest regarding 'bullet journalling' college life, quotes arts and things that I mostly intrigued by.
my boss was super kind, gosh, sometimes I feel bad for doing litearlly nothing. the pay was good, more than I could bargain for.
I work weekdays since the shop only open from Monday till Fridays from 9am to 6pm. And since I'm a full time students, my boss allowed me to came when i'm free of classes. The pay was per hours . Means I got more money when I go to work more.

Because, I have my own goal for this semester and I need the goal to succeed so bad, I cannot waste my time in stupid kind of things. So to say, for my time to not wasted like I did for almost every sem before, I planned out my schedule carefully now.
I like to journal my days lately. I wish to bullet journaling but the books itself is costly for me, i'm broke and I don't want to waste my money. so, for this I just buy a books from an eco shop for only 2 ringgit only! and goodness bless me, the book work fabulously.
so, with this book, I use my not so creative ideas with the helps of pinterest and youtube to journaling my days.
i'll attach my 'planner' kind of journal right below.

it's not much but its what I do, more likely to say its mine.

*how my workplace lookslike
* I  already work for 2 months.
i'm not a scholarship students, I just on loan with MARA and its not much as its used to be but i'll persevered!

*tough face*
for the next post, i'll try write about my college, my beloved MESTECH.
thank you for reading this. see next post, assalamualaikum
