Example on how to write chapter for result and disscusion on final year projects/thesis- the very basic

yo! assalamualaikum. this is my sharing for how I do my result and discussion on my kind of fyp assignment I guess. its under certain subjects that required me to do , so yeah. the research data are conducted by survey question using google froms.
you can see below; lets go straight to the point.


Table 4.1: Practice of the students regarding the consumption of caffeinated drinks. (n=244)
No. (%)
Age Started to Drink (Years)

42 (17.2%)
59 (24.2%)
123 (50.4%)
20 (8.2%)
Reason to Drink
Satisfy thirst
Feel energize
89 (36.5%)
Starting the day with coffee
39 (16%)
205 (84%)
Average amount of consuming caffeine per day
1 or 3 cups/cans
238 (97.5%)
4-5 cups/cans
6 (2.5%)
5-7 cups/cans
8 or more cups/cans
If in needs of caffeine, will purchased products at any price
128 (52.5%)
116 ((47.5%)

Table 4.1 shows practice of students regarding consumption of caffeinated drinks. There were 42(17.2%) students who had started drinks at the age of less than 10 years and the most highest percentage of why students drinks caffeinated drinks was to feel energized 102(41.8%), followed by others reason 89(36.5%) and to satisfy thirst 53(21.7%). 39(16%) students started their day with coffee, but majority of the students did not start the day with coffee 205(845). Regarding the average amount of caffeine consumed per day, most of the students answers 1 or 3 cups/cans; 238(97.5).None of the students consume caffeine more than 5 cups/cans per day. Students responded that if they need caffeine, they will purchase products at any price with a ‘yes’ 128(52.5%).


The respondents were asked about at which age that they consume caffeinated drinks. The result shown that majority of them123 (50.4%) start consume caffeine at the age 16-20. The present findings seem to be consistent with other research by Olsen (2013), where majority start drinking caffeinated products between the ages of 12 and 16. However the findings of the current study do not support the study conducted by Kharde et al., 2013. The previous study founds that majority of the students started drinks caffeinated drinks at the age of <10. A possible explanation for this might be because of the difference between region or nation. In which the past research was made in Maharashtra,India.
Next, this study also analyzes the practice of students of the reason they drank caffeinated drinks. The findings of the current study shows that majority of the students consume caffeinated drinks to feel energized with 41.8%. These findings did not support previous research by Kharde et al., 2013 as the previous research found that majority consume caffeinated drinks with the reason to satisfy thirst. It is possible that this contrast result come from the difference in climate between the region where the research are being conducted; be that the current study was conducted in Malaysia and the previous research in India. However, this findings were coherent with study by Al Ghali (2017), where the main reason for caffeine consumption among Zayed University students were for energy boosting.
Next, the students were asked if they started their day with coffee. Majority of them did not started their day with coffee, 205 (84%). This study has been unable to demonstrate the previous study by Olsen (2013), where the focus groups participants said that caffeine helps them to wake up in the morning, even noting that they “wouldn’t do anything all day without it”.
Next, the students also were asked about the average amount of caffeine consumed per day. Majority, 238 (97.5%) consumed 1 to 3 cups/cans per day. These findings did not seem to support previous research of Olsen (2013) where the average caffeine consumption frequency ranged from 2 to 6 times per week, which were said to be depended on the students schedule, amount of work they had to do, and their mood.
Next, the students were asked whether they will buy caffeinated drinks when they are in needs of caffeine at any price and majority said ‘yes’, 128 (52.5%) .There are similarities between the practices expressed by Olsen (2013), where students agree that when they want or need caffeine, they are going to get it, discount or not. Is is possible that the decisions that could be influenced this depends on the time, places, on what occasions the drinks are meant for; that hey decided to purchase it.
