Guides to saving money while in college- its helps big time!!!

Yo, assalamualaikum.

Its a long time since my last post, since i'm currently busy reorganizing my life and truly enjoying what a college life should be.
2 months ago, I started working part time at a printing shop kind of things, but the shops only opens on weekdays and I have my classes. The goods things is, my boss is kind enough to let me come when my class was over, and the pay was way too good. I'm still working as a part time there tho..
So, the conclusion is my life was very busy compare to before, I rarely have time for going out with friends on weekdays night as I get tired (I end my jobs at 6pm every day), but that's the price I needs to pay for what I want to gain. So yeah
and know what I still want to work on weekends if I could. hahaa
Me working part time

was my ways to gain experience as I never have been working before and of course to save money.

so, here some tips for you guys if you want to save money in college. most of ideas I get from pinterest, so its not truly my ideas but I want to share with people, so if I kind of  'stealing peoples work' and things please tell, I delete this post in a seconds.

ok, lets go jump straight to the tips:

  1. working part time: - its was good things to have part times job but make sure you can handle it. the tips is school first before anythings. its better if you know time management. Working on campus also helps a lot, you can finds work as a librarian(which my friends get to far a semester, and trust its bomb), in admission area or anywhere necessary that your college offers. you can work in weekends and seasonal like retail jobs promoter or tutoring. there this websites indeeds where you can find jobs in your area easily. but, you must know how to limit yourself.if its too exhausting, cut back the hours and try talk with your employer.
  2. commit to a saving schedule/budget.- for me, I have this things that I always save rm 5 that I have in my wallet in a cute little tins of whatever its name- I forgot. and never touch it. and for your paycheck you can save every 10 dollars from it.
  3. institute a 'no-buy-week'.-  this means no buying new clothes, no movies tickets and no going out eating, no starbucks coffee, no subways. in conclusion: no buying things not needed.
  4. when going shopping.- make sure you list your things and double check it. because when you going yo shop you will only stick to that lists and please eat before going shopping. shopping with hungry stomach will make you buy every single foods you came across-trust me I already t did this.
  5. get 'thrifty'.- you should know what I means.
  6. plan your meals for every weeks.- I try did this right now, and still trying to sticks to it. 
  7. make a spending list.- where you list out every single thigs you buy and at the ens of months, you know how much you spends. I did for a months and my goodness. I spend almost 500 ringgit!!!!. and that's not include rents and bills!!! I was shock, trust i'm shook!. and because of its I try reduce my spending of unnecessary thing and I rarely go out eating or go out on weekends. I save a lot here.
this is all for my tips for college students, so yeah hope that's its will help you as its helps me.
sorry for my grammar mistakes.
thank you so much for reading, I love you all
byeee… assalamualaikum.
