Bengkel Debat/Debate Workshop ( Basic on debating)

Debat Workshop anjuran kelab debat UniKL MESTECH

the setting was like that as we in a group debate.

Unikl have a unique co curriculum activities that will group into at the end of the study. This called GHOCS.
And as students, we try hard to collect as many 'ghocs' by joining activities that being held. There are a lot of activities throughout the semester and around unikl circles.
one of it that I have entered is the workshop that organized by the club.Mostly  I join because ghocs, free foods and experience lastly. haha. please excuse me.

So, I like to share what I got. Mostly its the simple basic things. But we got to experienced the actual feel of debate at the end. It was quite fun actually and I enjoyed myself a lot.

There 2 phase, briefing and groups activities.
the basic of debate as the told are: structure, concept, technique.
To debat, the principles is to be focused, try hard, effort, confident and commitment.

A great debater, should ready to learn, confident with theirself, knows how to communicate well, body language, mind set, content, and so on.
And the fun of it all is the title for debate. 'tik tok perlu diharamkan'.

And I got the positions to argue with the statement.

It goes well for me, theres the committee helping and I guess I get some of the points.
Funny is that, one of the debater of the club said that even if your point is nonsense, be confident. And as long as the opposite does not said that you are wrong, be cool. That's how to win.
Even minister in the parliament that I watch, even when they speak nonsense, they still confidently speak their pints, its funny but that how you want to persuade the judges.

So, I guess that's all for this time. Its been long since I update. See you soon.
