When You Feel Sad...

Assalamualaikum and Hello,

#Fate whispers to the warrior, "you cannot withstand the storm", and the warrior whispers back, "i am the storm".

You are hero to yourself!!!

What to do when feeling depressed, stress and sad?
i would like to share with you what i did, but the rest is up to you.

1. take a nap (recharge yourself)
2.treat yourself (have an ice cream, get a books you love. pampers yourself)
3.write about why you feel sad.(i do this sometimes, and next day i'm feeling good)
4.drink some tea
5. call your loved one
6.take a walk. take pictures and make a collections
7.watch a funny film
8.look at the bright picture
9.listen to happy song. (it works. i try listen to a sad song, and my tears just drops like theres no tomorrow)
10.buy flowers and give it to strangers or whoever you want to. looking to a happy faces did the magic.

and lastly read this as a humour.:

#me? crazy? i should get down off this unicorn and slap you.
#my prince is not coming on a white house... He's obviously riding a turtle somewhere really confused.
#when people tell me they're "spiritual" i'm like ... "demons are spirits too...be more specific".

#la tahzan innallaha ma'ana.
(Don't be sad. Allah is with us)
 i trully hope this can help whoever you are. stay strong, i love you.

Assalamualaikum, until then...
