A Letter to You

Do you want to know my story?

If I tell you a bit of what i feel, can you understand?

I'll be happy if you understand.

I too am a  very pitiful person. I also want to be understood. I fell too much. Drown too deep. I remember for a long time but i forgive too easily.

Because i know it hurts to be abandoned, that i try to take care of your feeling.
I'm a child that feels a lot, i get touched too easily, i thinks too hard, i...

Because i always want to make others happy. Because I'm happy when others happy.

Because i once was a very sad child. Because i know how it feels to be lonely. Because my past was very hard.

The past me has had a very broken heart. Because the me now, mend my own heart. Because its hurt too much...

I have no one in the past that the me now sought someone, to call mine, to call home.

I too want to be happy
