actions to increase awareness of importance of vaccination to public

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera.
i want to share my written assinggment that i have do. please refer to the below text:

Promote adult and adolescent immunization as an important measure of health care quality in managed care and other health care organizations. The targets and collaborator for this included the ministry of health Malaysia, state governments, non-government organizations (NGO) such as Malaysian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, Clinical Research Centre, and others health care providers in Malaysia. This joint commission should establish criteria for assessing influenza, and others communicable disease to health care workers as a measure of institutional compliance and performance. Besides the government, especially the ministry of health should revise back the immunization plan, in order to make sure the people get it starting from small age. As for the government contribute, they should make or reconstruct the policy regarding the immunization and vaccination to make the plan more effective and reliable for the people and today era. The systems should be established for assessing coverage in high-risk patients, including pregnant women and person with diseases and disorders associated with immune deficiency. While for improvement on the measurement on Adolescent Immunization Status, the authority can deliver or give out booster shot to the specific people especially the orang asli community, by collaborating with every agencies in Malaysia including the police (for safety, during ACD situation), medical experts, local authorities and the list goes on. In case of  Diphtheria infection, the recommended vaccine for adult who yet to receive the necessary vaccine include the combination of a diphtheria and tetanus booster injection known as the tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine. The collaboration between the agencies can helps to assist with material supplies, logistics, safety, immunization policy, campaign planning and social mobilization.

Ample support for research regarding adult and adolescent vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccines. For this research to be done and completed, there will be needs for targets and collaborations with others groups, authorities to ensure the plan are doing well and smooth. For example, the ministry of health, international agencies such as CDC and vaccine companies, Institute for Medical Research IMR, Clinical Research Centre (CRC), and many more, in order to provide solid proof, evidence and to support the research. This research that are supported by different agencies must also be funded to address the effectiveness, efficacy, safety, and cost-benefit/cost-effectiveness of existing and new adult adolescent vaccines and to pursue cost-benefit research. The study aside from researching the news drugs or vaccine to fight against infection, must also focus on others side such as the public and provider acceptances of vaccines, the safety of vaccines used (the complications that might arise from the use of vaccine or side effects), and operations research to choose the best strategies to deliver vaccines to the public. This research after being completed, will be a solid proof  to educate the peoples especially those who rejected the vaccination (the anti-vaccination movements).Because of how the today generation are only belief with support from research and fact, this will be a good strategy to fight with the anti-vaccination movements as well as to increase awareness of vaccination to public in general.

*** please note that i have look upon lots of websites and article to write this. Hence i would like to state that this is not fully mine (i'm afraid that i might have take others work) please pardon me.
***if this post offended anyone that have relations with how i write this , please comment and i will take this post down.
***please note i did not put the reference that i used in writing this text to this blog
***all this post about is, so that people can take educational information about this. and please note that none is this is fully correct,there might be wrong in any part of the text.

hope that this will help others people.
thank you and assalamualaikum.
